Mikaela Norman

Athlete & Coach


6 times Crossfit Semifinals finalist

World record Hyrox double pro 2022

1st Crossfit Open workout 19,1 Worldwide

Ranked top 3 Worldwide Deka Fit 2024

6 first places Deka fit 2023

Crossfit Games athlete 2022

North America Champion Hyrox 2023

Qualified for World championship in Hyrox 2023 and 2024

World record Hyrox single pro 2022

Second place Europe championship 2023


Name: Mikaela Norman

Birth: 1st of April 1993

Nationality: Sweden

Current position/role:

- Professional athlete 11 years.

- Physiotherapist.

- Bachelor exam in Economics.

- Certified Personal trainer.

- Marketing and sales education.

- Worked as an accountant 5 years.

- Fitness and nutrition coach 12 years.

"Push yourself because no one else will do it for you"


I started as a kid to play basketball and continued for 10 years at a high level. Unfortunate a herniated disc in my back stopped me from playing. The main focus in the rehabilitation was to get stronger and that´s when I stepped into the gym at the first time. After a while the competetive side of me needed challange and something to compete in, I was not satisfied. I was introduced to CrossFit on a education and it was with a mix feeling of fear and motivation I saw the challange . The massive challange to become a competitive CrossFit athlete was the reason I started. I decided pretty quickly that I wanted to work to become the best in the sport and that’s when the journey started...

After 9 years as a high level CrossFit athelte I was introduced to a new sport, Hyrox. At my very first Hyrox competition I broke the Hyrox world record in Women Pro. After that weekend I was hooked in the sport and a new goal was on the map; to become the world champion in Hyrox.

-The passion for challage is my driving force.

- The passion for hard work help me overcome feras.

-The passion for work has put me where I am today.


Experience personalized coaching services tailored to your fitness goals. As your coach, I welcome you to embark on a transformative journey towards a healthier and stronger version of yourself.


Video: Eric Wittkopf